Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jvcgr-d295u Driver Software

"Zone of Silence" on shortwave.

"Zone of Silence" on shortwave Author: Rumen Pankov and Ivo Ivanov 12/12/1910
DXers Area

Listeners often complain that fail to tune in shortwave radio programs broadcast by high-power transmitters located in proximity to your area . The explanation of this rare phenomenon is related always to the "zone of silence." Every transmitter emits waves that propagate radially in all directions. A portion of those spread in proximity to the surface of the land and meet obstacles are absorbed by them or suffer a weak reflection. Thus, waves will gradually losing force and its practical importance. Estas ondas se suelen llamar superficiales. En las ondas cortas reviste importancia sustancial el resto de las ondas que solemos llamar espaciales. Una parte de ellas se reflejan en la ionosfera y retornan a la Tierra llegando a zonas lejanas del planeta. Otras se emiten en forma vertical, se reflejan y regresan a zonas más próximas al lugar en que se encuentran el transmisor y su antena de transmisión. Entre las ondas radiales reflejadas más próximas y las zonas en que las ondas superficiales se han silenciado totalmente aparece un área alrededor del transmisor y en forma de un anillo. En esa zona, desde la tierra, no se pueden captar las señales de esta transmisor en onda corta ni a través de ondas superficiales ni tampoco por medio of space. This area or zone we call the "zone of silence."
course every rule has its exceptions and thus, sometimes, to be disturbed the normal state of the ionosphere or in the presence of surface reflected signals in high mountains, for example, the program itself can be captured. In this case the line is accompanied by a strong fading - that is the weakening and strengthening periodic signal strength - and a poor sound.
technical departments of the various stations are familiar with this phenomenon will calculate where these zones of silence and then choose appropriate frequencies for transmission. "Zones" are not fixed with precision by its area and dimensions and depend on many other conditions such as the frequency used, the type of transmitter and antenna, power transmitting facilities etc. Also affect factors such as season, geographical location, the time is issued, the status of the Sun
Following direct observations have shown that the lower frequencies used are reduced in areas that are not captured signals from the respective transmitter. If this happens at night in winter and lower geographical latitudes extending the zone of silence becomes very small.
ago half a century in Europe was also used short-wave broadcasting to local and band of 49 meters was the most saturated. Some frequencies in this band remained "reserved" for certain stations: Radio Sweden used the frequency of 6065 kHz, Radio France in 6175 and so on. At these low frequencies was achieved greater coverage with broadcast signals such as quiet zones were very small.
If a listener fails to tune any program due to the area, you must choose another frequency of the respective station or using the Internet. Now
information you have sent our faithful friends DXers Toni Rios and Joaquin Ruiz Morilla Blázquez. № 89 / 12/06 to 12/12/2010 All times listed in Coordinated Universal Time UTC, and the frequencies in kilohertz.
The TDP Radio in DRM scheme:
Dispatched to Western Europe in the frequency of 6015 Issoudun 035 кilovatios / 060 degrees
0700-0800 Monday, 0800-0900 Tuesday, Wednesday 0900-1000, Thursday 1000-1100; 1100-1200 Friday, 1200-1300 Saturday and 1300-1400 on Sundays
Dispatched to North America in 2100-2200
MONTSINERY 17755 100 kW / 311 degrees for North America
The Disco Palace DRM scheme:
1400 -1500 in 6015 Issoudun 035 kW / 060 degrees for Western Europe in 2000-2100
MONTSINERY 17755 100 kW / 311 degrees for North America
And now several stations using 250 kilowatt transmitter in Samara / 188 degrees East to Africa Democracy Radio
in Amhara: 0900-1000

Sunday at 21555 La Voix de Djibouti in Somali, Arabic and French: 1200-1300 on Thursdays

21525 Bilal amhárico Radio: 1800-1830
every day in 9345, instead of 1800-1900 winter season, 2009 г.
Radio Australia to Southeast Asia: 0100-0130
Burmese in Kranji 11780 250 kilovatios/340 degrees instead of 17585 Palau 1100-1300 in English in 6140 Kranji 250 kW / 013 degrees instead of Palau 9965 CMI
Voice of Wilderness in Korean to North Korea: 1300-1400 new frequency 6275
Dushanbe 100 kW / 070 degrees, has left the frequency of 12130 kHz.

English version by Mikhail Mikhailov


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