Friday, December 10, 2010

Free Vídeos De Travestis

Helvético Tria ... International

embarks on what mean the second appearance in a triathlon for members of Team Caterpillar ...
Although we would not want to remember the pitiful performance of the trio Colazzo-Proverb-Tria proverb at the Parque del Plata, where among other things almost lose our swimmers in the stream and took his bike Lele devoid of change and lack of regulation helmet ran with 20 miles on the helmet if MOTO ... Beyond that the team managed a very valuable and well-deserved fifth place! (5 teams)

To try to reverse this sad but funny story, Tack sought Christian teammates, who do not know and one of those three who do the 20k bike and Juan Carlos "Uncle Black" Descovich, who then to consult on how it feels to face the 600 meter pool said: "As a swimmer I am a very good teacher of Tae Bo" .- Closing
Tachu participation 6k Jogging with the Swiss Avenue that at this hour and mercy the 42 Choborras Bierfest is full of lying on the sidewalks ...

Tour of the 3 disciplines
Tours of the 3 disciplines are the same made in the 1 st Edition, 2010 Posta Triathlon

CYCLING: 20km, starting from the Founders Square, take Route To Cufré, returning by the same and ending at the National Club to continue swimming.
SWIMMING: 600mts., Are passed through the 6 lifts, repeating 4 times the same route.
MARATHON: 6km, based on the National Club, to the Av.Batlle and Ordoñez, returning by the same and ending in the Plaza of the Founders.


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